It seems that the wording is open to interpretation. You seem to be reading it as, "Each team, when on defense, may be granted not more than three charged conferences.." and concluding the fourth is their last permissible conference and it requires the replacement of the pitcher. It can also be read, "Each team, when on defense, may be granted not more than three charged conferences without penalty..." In this case, it could be interpreted as the fourth charged conference results in the penalty (the requirement to replace the pitcher) but does not restrict the total number of charged conferences the defense may call during a game (excluding the provisions for an extra-inning game). Admittedly, your interpretation is convenient but it doesn't seem to be supported by the rules (or cases) and a coach who knows the rule and seeks another conference would interpret it as the latter of these two. As posed in the OP, how can you support your interpretation by rule (other than "That's my interpretation and I'm sticking by it!").