Originally Posted by Snaqwells
You asked. 
The error must be corrected during the first dead ball after the clock has properly started following the error; not following the discovery. The error occurred with the clock stopped (on a free throw), so the error in this case needed to be corrected during the dead ball following the score off the rebound. That's the very brief time between the ball going through the basket and the new 5 second throwin count starting.
Originally Posted by BktBallRef
Consider yourself corrected.
It has nothing to do with what the scorer does. The error must be discovered by the first dead ball after the clock legally starts.
I appreciate the information. I agree with everything you both wrote and do not dispute it. Thanks.
The only place I am getting confused is from the 2008-09 NCAA Rulebook Pg 49 Rule 2 Section 12 Art 3.
Art. 3. When the officials’ error as in Rule 2-12.1 is made
while the game
clock is running and the ball is dead, it must be recognized and corrected by
an official before the
second live ball to be correctable.
So let's go back to my original scenario: B1 is given an foul and the scorekeeper tells the official it is 1 and 1. A1 misses the first shot of the 1 and 1, B2 gets the rebound (clock now running) and proceeds to B's front court. The scorekeeper now realizes Team B has 10 team fouls and his error in not originally awarding the double-bonus for A1. Team B scores on a 2pt shot (dead ball #1). A1 receives the inbound pass A1 then calls a timeout (dead ball #2) when the scorekeeper advises the officials of the correctable error.
Since the error was discovered when the clock was running and was caught before the 2nd live ball, wouldn't this error still be correctable?
Thanks for your input.