Originally Posted by bob jenkins
I agree with "some teams." I have no idea what transpired in your plays, or what this has to do with the OP.
In both situations, F3 did not do anything, in my best judgment, to warrant collision with B/R. Everyone in "my" play knew the runner would be out at 1B. I never saw a B/R collide with F3 on consecutive plays. I didn't know he would be running into F3 again. Did the B/R know this? I don't know. But I felt that he may have purposely run into F3 in an effort to dislodge the ball because of the previous play. I had to say something to him and his coach came out to defend his player for running through the bag. Considering player safety is a situational thing. I agree with the umpire's actions in the OP. The situation does not excuse a B/R for haphazardly running through a bag. It was the right thing to do.