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Old Tue Mar 03, 2009, 09:22am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by AKOFL View Post
How about held ball goes to the defence? Keep the arrow for the quarters but reward the defence for their hard work.
NCAA tried it -- it didn't work. The offense's job is to keep the ball; the defense's job is to get the ball. Neither quite succeeded, so give each "1/2 a cookie" -- one gets the ball; the other gets the arrow.

Player control fouls gone, all become team control fouls.
How is this different (other than from a purely definitional sense) from what we have now?

How can you commit a player control foul when you don't have the ball anymore. (airbourn shooter after release) This needs to change to be more like college.
Because the action that led to the foul occurred while the player still had PC. I'd be more in favor of having NCAAM switch back the the NCAAW / FED rule on this.
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