Originally posted by THE OFFICIAL
if a team does not use a time out in the first ot does it carry that extra time out into the next ot etc etc
This question was asked in an earlier hread entitled "OT Question". I have repeated it here...
I posed the question of time outs carrying over to George Demetriou who along with Rogers Redding publish "Officials Study Guide to NFHS Football Rules. George's response was as follows:
"The intent of the rule is for all timeouts starting with the second half to accumulate. Dick Schindler verified that in the early 90's. I agree the wording in the RB is confusing."
It is also listed on Page 67 (2000 edition) of "Officials Study Guide to NFHS Football Rules" where it states "During each overtime period, each team is allocated one additional charged timeout. Timeouts remaining from the second half of regulation play AND unused timeouts from any previous overtime period(s) carry over."
Therefore based on Dick Schindler's interpetation, it is possible for Team A to have 6 timeouts remaining in OT session 3!
Hope this helps