Originally Posted by golfnref
NFL rules differ from NFHS on this subject.
If time expired on the play and the receiver signals and makes a fair catch, receiving team may elect to extend with a fair-catch kick. There is no option to snap from scrimmage. If the first or third period is not extended the receivers may start the suceeding period with a snap or fair-catch kick.
If time expired on the play and receiver does not signal for a fair catch, and he is interfered with, the receiving team will be awarded a 15 yard penalty and an option to extend, but must put the ball in play by a snap from scrimmage.
If time expired on the play and receiver signals for a fair catch, and is interfered with, receiving team will be awarded a 15 yard penalty and has the option to extend with a fair-catch kick or may put the ball in play by a snap from scrimmage.
Can you help me accept your interpretation with reference to a rule? Looking at NF: 3.3.3 it states; "A period
must be extended by an untimed down if duringthe last timed down of the period one of the following occured:
a. There was a foul be either team and the penalty is accepted, except for those fould listed in 3-3-4b (which lists the following):
1. USC
2. non-player fouls
3. fouls that specify loss of down, or
4. fouls that are enforced on the subsequent KO
as in Rule 8-2-2 (which relates to fouls
during a scoring play)
b. There was a double foul.
c. There was an inadvertent whistle.
d. If a TD was scored, the try is attempted.......
If (a), (b), (c) or (d)occurs during the untimed down, the procedure is repeated."
NF: 3.3.4 refers to when the period is NOT extended, much of which is a repetition of 3.3.3 from the opposite perspective.
The only reference I can find that would point to enforcing any of these penalties on the "subsequent" Kick Off is in the reference to NF: 8.2.2 which deals
entirely with fould commited during a scoring play.
The "Penalty Section", under nf: 6.5 (Fair Catch) provides for the additional option of "accept the penalty of an awarded FC at the spot of the foul", for KCI, without any limitation as to when this option is available.
NF: 2.24.3 provides that, "A fee Kick is any legal kick which puts the ball in play........A free kick is used for a kickoff, for a kick following a safety, and is used if a free kick is chosen following a fair catch or
awarded fair catch"
Could you direct me to where you found instructions that the option to choose a Free Kick, after enforcement of a KCI penalty is prohibited during the extension of any period by an untimed down. Thanks.