Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
They are NOT the same play.
Play 2.10.1.D: A1 was to be awarded a one plus one bonus free throw. A1 was erroneously awarded two free throw of which the first one was unsuccessful and the second one was successful. The Correctable Error (CE) was the awarding of a second free throw to A1. Therefore, the POI of interruption is when A1's free throw is missed; at this point there is not Team Control (TC) and therefore the ball is put back into play using the AP Arrow.
Play 2.10.1.G(d): A1 was erroneously awarded free throws instead of Team A being awarded a throw-in for B1's foul. The CE was discovered within the appropriate time frame. Since the correction was the canceling of A1's succesful free throws and Team B's throw-in for the erroneously awarded free throws, play resumes at the POI which is the awarding of a throw-in to Team A, which is the correct penalty for B1's foul.
MTD, Sr.
In the 2nd case play (play d) they gave the ball back to Team B - not Team A - because B1 had the ball out of bounds.
Besides doesn't POI have more to do with WHERE was the interruption when the error was discovered, instead of WHEN did the error occur? What if B1 had thrown the ball in and Team B froze the ball for 4 minutes and then the error was discovered during a time out. The POI would be at the place the ball was near at the time of the T.O.
In the case plays, both times B1 was standing out of bounds with the ball for a thowin when the error was discovered. And, both times was after an umerited successful f.throw.