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Old Wed Feb 25, 2009, 02:00pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by MatthewPV View Post
The odd thing about all of this is that we did have a discussion about the arrow and color. My partner even said "white ball" and then handed it to blue. I didn't think you could stop the play, but i went with it. Game wasn't close so no one complained.

With that being said...say my partner kills the play, we discuss it, then proceed with the "wrong" team with the ball at the spot where we killed it, correct? And the arrow would stay with the "right team" and not be changed, correct?
If you do decide to create your own CE for this game, then yes, give B (correct team) the ball with A (incorrect team) getting the next arrow, provided that the elements to switch the arrow are met. Who knows: B might commit an illegal screen and give A the ball back anyways.

The only other option is to reset the clock to 8:00 and throw-in again from the division line opposite the table. If I'm the R on this game, I imagine that's what I would likely do.
Pope Francis
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