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Old Tue Feb 24, 2009, 11:09pm
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Adam Adam is offline
Keeper of the HAMMER
Join Date: Jan 2003
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If you want to move up and do this for a while, it would do you well to buy a copy of the rule book. There isn't a copy of the NFHS rule book available on line, that I know of, for free.

1. You need to decide if the defender had position. This does not mean they need to be set, they need to be in position. Once they establish Legal Guarding Position, they may actually be moving backwards or sideways when contact is made and still draw the charging foul against the offense. Coaches at the sub-varsity level of high school sometimes have a hard time with this one, so you can expect problems at the elementary level. In my opinion, if it's close enough to question, give the foul to the offense; thus rewarding good defense.

2. A coach going berserk in a youth game like this is going to be a quick T for me. Let him ask his question if he wants, but he does not get to yell at you and berate you for (what he thinks) missing a call.

3. A coach asking for my name to report me is likely to get a T as well. That's a threat.

4. You just have to learn how to ignore fans.

5. A player who falls with the ball in his possession travels. A player who gathers the ball while on the floor may slide, but may not roll or attempt to get up. Does this help?

6. Only the NBA has a rule against defenders "camping in the key." In NFHS and NCAA rules, it only applies to players whose team is in control with the ball in the front court.

7. Intentional fouls are called by crossing the arms in an X. The fouled player gets 2 free throws, and the fouled team will get a throwin at the spot nearest the foul.

8. Generally, two technical fouls are required before disqualification. The exception is if the first is considered flagrant.
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