Thread: Game Report
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Old Sun Feb 15, 2009, 01:38pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by eg-italy View Post
There's no automatic ejection after two player's technical fouls in FIBA. That's only for two U fouls or two C technical fouls on the coach (or a mix of three B and C fouls on the coach). For example, a T for delay of game and a T for complaining do not necessarily warrant ejection, which is left to the official's discretion.

@mbyron: A dead ball contact can be a personal foul. Just a different perspective; for example, you don't have to distinguish when the ball has entered the basket or not when players foul going for rebound.

36.2.3 A player shall be disqualified when he is charged with two (2) unsportsmanlike fouls.
Pope Francis
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