Originally Posted by deecee
I dont understand why we argue points that will maybe prolong the game by 1-2minutes or have you take 2 extra steps to get things going. Just put the effort in and stop whining about it. IF you dont want to do it then dont. Its your choice what you do, just stop crying about the little details that just help you be proactive rather than reactive.
My goodness. Whininig and crying? If you really hate talking about other views so much, would you not be better off just ignoring a post like this, rather than getting personal and unpleasant with others?
Ahhh, the wonders of the anonymous internet, and the safety of being unpleasant to strangers.
Does announcing that the loud noise was a horn make me proactive rather than reactive? How so? I would love to know your views on this, if you can communicate them without the nasty little comments.