Originally Posted by LDUB
No. Every shot a mask takes has the potential to dent the mask or to injure the user. A mask could get dented on the first blow it takes. That doesn't make it a bad mask as all masks (maybe not titanium masks) will dent if they are hit right. The right hit might be on the first hit the mask takes or the 100th.
The same thing happens with injuries. One could get injured using a mask then get a new one and then a 9 months have passed and he hasn't been injured again. That doesn't necessarily mean that the new mask protects better. It is quite possible that the old mask would have provided the same protection as injuries are freak things; they come up randomly. Of course some masks are better than others when it comes to dent resistance and protection but judging that by how long it takes to dent or to injure the user isn't the best grading system.
It seems like the pads should be the thing we're discussing. Part of what makes it resilient to a blow is the constitution of the pads.