Thread: Is this right ?
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Old Wed Feb 11, 2009, 08:41am
CajunNewBlue CajunNewBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve View Post
You know, I have heard this interpretation before, but I have never been able to reconcile it with NFHS 6-1-f-2, that says "when the hands are together and no part of the windup motion has been made, the pitcher may legally step back from the pitcher's plate with both feet;"

Can someone show me a rule or official written interpretation (other than XXY said so) that says this rule regarding pitch preliminaries does NOT apply when the pitcher steps on the pitcher's plate with hands together?

Honestly, without that (a contradictory rule, or a written interpretation), I can't see how stepping on with hands together cannot be remedied by stepping off. If it can still be remedied, then it isn't YET illegal. That means it isn't illegal until either 1) the hands separate, or 2) some part of the windup motion begins. If that (last sentence) remains true, then it is both possible and appropriate that a DDB be called, since the pitch has begun, and the scenario posed would remain in effect.
yeah but, isnt this in regards to a sequence of events? that must take place in a certain order?.... and there is the assumption that the pitcher came to the plate hands separated, then placed them together... then could legally step off with both feet? (i prefer either foot first then the other) because i get this mental image of the pitcher trying to step off with both feet at the same time (kinda bunny hopping backwards) but i digress.
Will Rogers must not have ever officiated in Louisiana.
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