Thread: ASA Uniform
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Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 03:02am
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Hi, and welcome. I'm answering guessing you are working FP..

If we are talking minimums, I think you should start out with a couple of ASA shirts (powder blue), a 6 stitch ASA hat and a pair of Honigs combo pants. As you progress you can get more hats/shirts and the ugly ASA pants (plate and base) and the navy shirt. If money is no object, get it all now.

You need the plate gear of course... and there are a million threads on whats what. I wouldnt one stop shop for gear at ASA

For ASA logo stuff you have to go through them or specific vendors of theirs (ebay also often has stuff although pricing is usually about the same).
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