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Old Thu Feb 05, 2009, 10:32am
RKBUmp RKBUmp is offline
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Still havent found anything in the ASA rule book that covers this situation, but obviously we have the case play in the NFHS book that does. While it is addressed, not sure I necessarily agree with the reasoning of it. At every other base, the runner through some dumb act can put themselves back in jeapordy of being put out. Yet as soon as they legally touch all bases and home the run is "in the book" and cant be erased, no matter what act the runner may make. The only thing she can do at that point is put a succeeding runner at risk by drawing a throw, assisting etc.

It would seem to me that if for what ever reason the runner is dumb enough to backtrack across home headed back to third they would have put themselves back in jeapordy. But, I didnt make the rules and will call it by the book if this situation ever comes up.
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