Originally Posted by blindofficial
Being new to umpiring, I'm curious to how you all handle a coach that comes out to argue a call with you? What do you say to him? Is there an automatic ejection point (besides arguing balls/strikes) based on what he might say to you, or when he tries to show you up? Any advice or some common phrases to say to the coach?
Coming into my second year, I'm trying to get a better feel for game management.
Thanks in advance for the help!
The best piece of advice that i could offer is know and understand your role as an umpire. You are there to manage the game and enforce the rules and conference guidelines/expectations. This means that you will have to communicate with the coaches effectively and talking to them in this context is not something that you should FEAR.
I say fear because a lot of officials go through the stage where they fear having to talk to coaches; it is natural and part of our development as officials. The fear can come from several sources, not knowing the rules well, not wanting to rock the boat, and just being new and unsure.
Think back to situations that you had and reflect on ones that come up this season, is there fear or apprehension involved in them? If so identify the source and work on the source. Because simply explaining what you have and understanding that while a coach may be entitled to an explanation, he is not entitled to say what ever he likes to or about you. If you keep that in mind you begin to realize that talking to a coach is ok. It is not knowing what you are talking about that can be scary.
Also, it is also ok to say things like: please, thank you, I don’t like that rule either, I understand that you …….. but this is how I saw it or the rule says ….
Good luck this season all!