Originally Posted by blindofficial
Being new to umpiring, I'm curious to how you all handle a coach that comes out to argue a call with you?
I make it a point to
never handle coaches. I mean, you don't know where they've been, who they've been hanging out with, when was the last time they bathed, etc. You could catch something. Plus, they're not supposed to touch you, so it's only fair that you don't touch them either.
As little as possible - without being "rude", of course.
Is there an automatic ejection point (besides arguing balls/strikes) based on what he might say to you, or when he tries to show you up?
If he calls you a cock$ucker, it's an automatic.
Be courteous, impartial and firm.
...or some common phrases to say to the coach?
A colleague of mine is quite fond of "GTFOMF", but he's fairly experienced, so that may be an "advanced technique".
Coming into my second year, I'm trying to get a better feel for game management.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Game management is an excellent area to focus on improving.