Originally Posted by blindofficial
Being new to umpiring, I'm curious to how you all handle a coach that comes out to argue a call with you? What do you say to him? Is there an automatic ejection point (besides arguing balls/strikes) based on what he might say to you, or when he tries to show you up? Any advice or some common phrases to say to the coach?
Coming into my second year, I'm trying to get a better feel for game management.
Thanks in advance for the help!
assuming its high school ball.....
if he walks to you with his mouth shut.. manuever (sp) so your standing side-by-side and you say "whats your question coach?"
if he walks at you already talking... I make him repeat himself once I get him along side me. if it isnt a question I ask "whats your question coach?"
if he is coming at you any faster than a fast walk.. he gets a whoa sign and if he is still coming he gets the go sit in the parking lot mechanic.
if he says "you suck" he's gone but if he adds "but, you are consistent" i might let him stay.
there is no such thing as a "automatic ejection" IMHO, just things that earn a quick ejection.. such a profanity, talking bad about my partner, and not pointing out the hot mommies to me