Originally Posted by tballump
Will the refs get blackballed now.
At that level, no.
Originally Posted by tballump
Wasn't there a really good ref named Soloman who got blackballed years ago for T--ing up Dad and he never was heard from again. Daddy got him completely run out of D1 ball. What was his first name? Wasn't he a known as a very good official until Dad ruined him for giving his greatness a T? Come on, some of you experienced guys help me out here. What was that guys name and where is he now? I believe he was in Referee magazine years ago.
I have never heard of this story or even know the people you are talking about.
Originally Posted by tballump
Will these officials face the same fate??? Why would they not get blackballed but the other guy did??
At this level, coaches do not have that kind of power. It is possible that if a coach and an official had a run in, it is possible the supervisor might not put the two together. If the official did something wrong (which it is rather clear he did not in this case) there would be other consequences to their mistake. Running a coach that ran onto the floor is not likely going to be seen as a mistake. Even if the officials did not do something correct, I doubt this play would be something they would have to worry about. And I doubt that the supervisor gives a damn what little Knight thinks with the way his behavior was put on display.