[QUOTE=JRutledge;574617]Why should he have been ejected? He did not throw a punch. The play was still live. And you do not eject someone because the commentator says so. I know John Madden might know a little football, but I have never seen a player ejected for what took place. There was a lot of pushing going on. If that was an ejection, so should have been Taylor during the play out of bounds.
These calls are not made on the basis whether the contact was flagrant or now.

I was not totally happy about the call either, but that is how the NFL wants unnecessary hits called on QBs.
And IG is not present when the passer gets outside of the tackle box.

All the ball has to do is get pass the LOS (even if that is out of bounds) and no receiver needs to be present.
That was about as obvious a call as there was tonight. It is like roughing the kicker, pulling up does not absorb you from the penalty. Sorry, not sure what rulebook you have ever read.
I do not remember the play. Hitting someone in the back is not a foul just because it took place. Sorry, not sure what rulebook you have read.
Maybe if you are working a Junior High game. Not in high school and above where Warner was clearly blocked. Warner was pushed out of the way, the tugging on the jersey did not prevent Warner from making a play. Do you actually officiate?
We did not ask for your opinion.
well dont comment on what youre not sure about and oh yeah
#6 The Santonio "lebron James" powder toss was probably not using the ball as a prop, which is generally strictly enforced.
Oh and I did not ask your opinion