[QUOTE]Originally posted by linejudge:
Well, if this is the case, then play 2 would also be enforced from the succeeding spot. Because of the all but one. To further complicate matters, the offense remains the offense and the defense remains the defense until the next ready for play (Rule 2, Definitions) so we can't say that the defense becomes the offense because of a change of possession.
This is a basic misconception on your part. The offense is the team which is in possession of the ball, the defense is the opponent (2-42-1). In spite of what you read in 2-42-4, when there is a change of team possession the defense becomes the offense and the offense becomes the defense. This concept is essential for proper penalty enforcement under the all-but-one principle.
What 2-42-4 means by saying that "Team designations are retained ..." is that Team A is always Team A throughout the down, Team B is Team B throughout the down, Team K stays Team K even after the kick is caught and Team R is designated as Team R.
So, in your play, when the ball was snapped, A was the offense. When B intercepted in the end zone, B became the offense. When his teammate fouled at the two, it was a foul by B, but it was also a foul by the offense. The basic spot, because the interception resulted in a touchback, is the twenty yardline so this foul by B at the two becomes a foul by the offense behind the basic spot for enforcement purposes under the all-but-one principle.
I hope this helps your understanding of the all-but-one concept.