Originally Posted by SC Ump
7-1-1&2 (Penalties note # 6)
I saw that part but couldn't find a line that actually said skip ahead to the next batter if the proper batter is on base.
Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
The only prohibition against multiple changes is a statement that you don't accept future changes for the current change. You don't accept S1 for B1, and S1 is "going to re-enter". In that case, you accept S1 for B1, repeat it to the coach, and tell him that S1 is in the game until he reports B1 as re-entering when it happens.
Maybe I've been misinterpreting the NFHS sentence "Projected substitutions are not allowed." Of course I wouldn't take a future change like the one you described, but I thought it also meant substitute batters should only be reported when it's their turn to bat.