Originally Posted by LeeBallanfant
If it went in, disallow if you are sure it is a pass????
As others have stated, you still count the basket.
Rule 5-1-1: "A goal is made if a live ball enters the basket from above and remains in or passes through." No mention that there has to be a "shot", "attempt", "try", etc.
So, how about whether it's a 3-point basket? 5-2-1: "A successful try, tap, or
thrown ball from the field by a player who is located behind the team's own 19'-9" arc counts 3 points." There are, of course, the exceptions, such as if the ball touches the floor first, touches a teammate inside the arc, etc.
Iow, we don't have to judge if it's a shot or pass, even to count a 3-point basket.