Solving Stupid Officiating Malaprops
An idea:
If you are ever designated as R on a game, I'd assume you are the one responsible for pre-game with your partner(s). Since you are then the one in charge, that's a good time to bring it up in reference to the game you're about to do. Say something like, "OK guys, two particular things I'd like to see us do well are . . . if someone pushes an opponent from behind, let's report it properly as a "push", not "over the back"; . . . and if someone makes contact when reaching in on an opponent, let'd all it according to its proper designation, "illegal use of hands". Okay?
If they object, up the ante and insist upon it for the game. You're the R. You've got that right.
In time, you'll get everybody you'd possibly work with to comply, ideally.
Works around here.