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Old Tue Jan 20, 2009, 06:41am
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
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Originally Posted by DonInKansas View Post
So I've got multiple gyms where I work that have very little room behind the endline. One place I worked the other night had maybe 2 feet between the endlines and the wall. As the Lead, I felt like I couldn't see a damn thing in the paint due to my close proximity to the players. I tried backing off to the wide side but it had little effect. Anyone have any tips?
I have missed many a call because of these crappy short endlines. I have found that officiating from "no man's lands"* is permissible in these situations. Sometimes I have also gone more on-court than I normally would. Go to where you need to see the play. And ask your P to be a strong Trail.

* "no man's land" is not referring to blowing your whistle from an area where no man is. . . oh nevermind , but rather it is referring to standing in the key area extended beyond the endline.
Pope Francis
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