Originally Posted by MelbRef
I'm the "R" for the first time in a few days and will lead the pregame captains/coaches meeting.
Topics that you like to address.
Lessons learned?
In Central Ohio, we meet with the captains at mid court before the game.
1. We introduce each other.
2. We only mention the floor markings if there is truly something unusual (for example, there is one gym that has a dark green line about 2 feet inside the black out of bounds line on ONE end of court. We mention this to specifically to the visiting team since we frequently saw the visiting team commit violations at that end of the floor when we did not mention it).
3. We remind them of the importance of sportsmanship.
3. We tell the players we are going to hustle for them and do our best to give them a good and fair game.
4. We tell them that we intend to enjoy the game and tell them to have fun.
5. Any questions?
We then speak to each coach individually.
1. We introduce ourselves.
2. We show them the coaching box markings IF there are multiple sets of lines.
3. We ask if their players are properly equipped.
4. We remind them of the importance of sportsmanship.
5. We ask they their players are ready to play when they check-in (uniform tucked in, etc.).
6. We ask them to let us know the type of time out when we ask.
7. We tell them we are going to hustle for them and do our best to give them a good and fair game.
8. Any questions?
Generally, less is more during these sessions.