Thread: Moving up?
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Old Mon Oct 14, 2002, 04:49pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by Jay R
I am begining my second season of officiating and I have been pondering how fast I should try to move up? Last year, I refereed middle school and bantam ball (12-13 year olds). I received a lot of positive feedback and good evaluations. I certainly want to move up to high school ball.

I don't want to move up too fast and get in over my head. My local rep and assignor have said that I can take my floor test (this year) to move up if I want to. They feel that I would be ready. My fear is that if I move up too quickly, I may get a reputation as a mediocre official.

I would like some advice (and perhaps personal experiences) on how fast do you think an official should move up?
This might be different from your area, but all you have to do where I am from is get licensed with the state. I do not know what a floor test is or how it gets you to move up. HS ball is not the hardest thing in the world. Any young official can handle most Freshman and Sophmore. If you can handle 12 and 13 year olds, you can officiate kids that are a year older. Usually they kids are just slightly bigger and still play below the rim. So believe me, it is not that big of a jump. The bigger the kids get, the easier the game becomes for us.

Jay, what do you have to do to officiate HS games?

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