Actually MIAA Site States
MIAA - Adapted from NCAA Basketball 2008 Men's and Women's Rules Interpretations
Art. 6 Stop the Timing Device and Reset it:
c. When a Held Ball Occurs (exceptions: Rules 2-11-7.e, 2-11-7.i and 2-11-7.j)
Rule 2-11-7 is the continuing play without a reset
On the MIAA Site
J. states:
After a simultaneous held ball as described in rule 4-37 occurs during a throw-in and the alternating possesion arrow favors the throw-in team; and
In the NCAA Manual "J" also states: (women) after an unsuccesful try that does not contact the ring or flange and the alternating possession favors the throw-in/shooting team.
So, MIAA leaves out the Women's exception on there web-site, so I take it as they are using the Men's NCAA rule so in this case there would be a reset. If, of course, I am reading things correctly.