Tue Jan 13, 2009, 08:14am
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Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
I've sometimes been told that I might be reading too much into a question when I take these tests. Question 31 is a good example of that. I am not quite sure if I should try and answer the question as written, or what I think the author was looking for in the first place.
In a similar situation, I have an issue with Question 40:
40) The official bat shall be:
a) Of one piece construction.
b) Multi-piece permanently assembled construction.
c) Two-piece interchangeable construction.
d) All of the above.
This is included in the 2009 Playing Rule Changes, and while the question almost mirrors the Rule: 3 Section 1 K wording, the combination of answers matching the statement portion of the test question are mutually exclusive.
I'd suggest that the wording should have been something like:
The official bat MAY be: [with same answers],
or, the last answer amended to be:
d) ANY of the above.
If this was an SAT or similar test, answer "d" cannot be correct since a bat can only be one piece construction, or two-piece construction, or multi-piece construction. I cannot satisfy all three conditions. Two-piece could be considered multi-piece or vice-versa, but neither of those could be one piece; and one piece cannot obviously be two-piece or multi-piece.
But I think, and hope, that the answer they're looking for is "d". That's what I pick.
Yes, I believe you are reading too much into this question. This is not an SAT or any other type of test other than a simple softball rules test.