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Old Fri Jan 09, 2009, 03:09pm
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Adam Adam is offline
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Originally Posted by slow whistle View Post
Seems to me that IL is a "region" (possibly unspoken) where this doesn't happen much in my experience...others from IL will probably correct me, but I know I haven't seen it this season, and can't recall if I saw it last season..
Since moving to Colorado, the closest I've come to putting the ball down was last week in a JV girls game. Home came out of the first quarter break and the first couple of timeouts just a bit slow (right after the 2nd horn). We talked as a crew and addressed it (we got more agressive in the huddle) and the problem went away.

One time, a team broke out right at the 2nd horn and the other coach was yelling that we needed to put the ball down.
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