Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Why are you making up rules. There is not rhyme or reason doing what you are doing to this girl. You were wrong in the first game you had with her and you were wrong in the second game you had her. It might not be jewelery, but the jewelery rule does not apply to it.
Pre-wrap is pre-wrap and it can have a medical reason when it is worn around the leg. Don't go looking for boogers. I can't believe you went down this road. As a NE Ohio basketball officical (member: Trumbull Co. Bkb. Off. Assn. since 1971; member: Lake Erie Dist. Bkb. Off. Assn, IAABO Bd. #55) I have always felt that the best H.S. basketball officials, as a whole district, are in the NE District and then you go down this road of lunancy.
MTD, Sr.
P.S.: The correct spelling of "becuz" is spelled "because."
Thanks Sr, like I said before I understand. Thats why I love you guys. When someone is wrong you give them that tough love answer that makes them understand real quick. Thanks for the feedback. Sr remember Im just a Diebler loving lunatic!