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Old Fri Jan 02, 2009, 02:19pm
ozzy6900 ozzy6900 is offline
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Plate pants are (or should be) designed for just that. They have a fuller cut in the crotch to accommodate the cup and also have (or should have) extra cut in the seat. They are cut in the legs to fit over shin guards without the nagging "riding up" that normal cut pants will do.

Combo pants are supposed to be a happy medium between base and plate pants. Some have a bit extra in the seat but none of them are really cut to fit properly over the shin guards. Personally, they look goofy when worn at the plate. I always suggest umpires wear plate pants when working the plate and not combo's. Plate pants fit better, feel better and look better at the plate.

Now on the bases, you never, never wear plate pants! If you are in proper shape (young and thing) then I suggest base pants. If you are middle aged with a typical middle age spread, I suggest combo pants on the bases. They look better on a "seasoned" umpire. Base pants are too well tailored to look good on umpire with a bit of a spread as many of us older umpires have.

Whatever you choose, get them hemmed properly. If you or your wife (or girl friend) can't do it, have it professionally done. I had four pair done last year for $80 by a tailor that makes suits from scratch and it was well worth it.
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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