Fri Jan 02, 2009, 09:48am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 157
Originally Posted by Brett
Can we please stop with the hyperbole?
If you want the kid to be punished via the criminal justice system, fine. Let's not pretend that the punishment will be a deterrent to the next kid that loses his mind during a physical game, though. Let's also not pretend that we live in the wild wild west and that authority figures in this country haven't repeatedly and irreparably abused their authority leading to the diminished respect some here have for authority figures in general.
I understand the player violated the criminal code in TX. I understand the desire of some to charge him with a crime. I would support the battered official if he chose to press charges. What I won't do is sit here and watch ALL of you pontificate ad nauseam on how the offended official is wrong (in his handling of the situation) and you are right without pointing out that the situation might not be so black and white for some of us.
Personally, I would treat this as a civil matter if injured and would consider it a risk of stepping on the field into a heated physical situation if not. I just can't imaging getting the police involved either way. If that makes me stupid in all of your eyes, I'll wear the hat.
I'm with you Brett.