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Old Thu Jan 01, 2009, 01:17pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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"Time Out" ???

Originally Posted by muxbule View Post
If the coach is screaming timeout does it not stand to reason that if his players heard it they would signal and request it also.
Simple answer, at least for games here in my little corner of the Constitution State, no.

And don't forget, after an official hears the timeout request, he, or she, has to make sure that it's made by the head coach of the team that has player control, which, in some, but not all, cases, can only be done visually. You don't want to grant a timeout request from the coach of the team that does not have player control, or the assistant coach of the team that does, or worse, from a parent sitting behind the bench who's yelling that the coach should request a timeout. How I long for the good old days? Can you hear Barbra Streisand singing in the background?
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