Originally Posted by beachbum
some coaches are constantly yapping about something all during the game. "you missed that call, watch the three seconds, their hacking us..etc.
After listening to a coach call out " three seconds" about 25 times, (BJV) at an opportune time I said "coach, if all i watch for out there is three seconds then I'm going to miss other plays or fouls, now sit down and coach your team"he did shut up, but i wasn't sure if i should have said anything.
One official I work with would tell them that what they are doing is unsportman like conduct and that was their warning.
what do all of the pros say????
How about telling him
Coach when you complain on every call you lose all credibility. If you want me to listen to you you need to pick and chose your battles...
It works some times. Other times you just have to tell her you have hear enough.