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Old Tue Dec 30, 2008, 09:48am
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Originally Posted by Kevin Finnerty View Post
I played and I coached and I scouted and I was in a few clubhouses in other capacities.

What goes on in the locker room stays there. Period. And that goes for the fruits of eavesdropping. To act on it is beyond unprofessional. To beware of the guy and to warn others is normal and almost expected behavior, but you publicly kill anything and everything you overheard as far as any public response.
I do not agree especially in a HS environment

If you are the parent of one of those kids on the team wouldn't you want to know what kind of 'stuff" is being taugt.

HS coaches for the most part are also teachers and should be teaching the kis about life THROUGH sports.

Also, suppose you hear the coach say this to one of his players.

Jimmy the umpires are letting Tommy (the other teams F2) get away with "murder " on plays at the plate.

The next time you are on base I want you to "take out" Tommy

There is no place in HS sports for this kind of nonsense.

It's one thing if the coach is giving strategies etc. and says "Hey guys let's try the "skunk in the outfield play" or something along those lines then I perfectly agree "what is said in the locker room stays there" with regard to strategies of the game BUT

when a coach is telling his players that the officials are cheating or instructing one of his players to possibly cause harm to another player is IMO crossing the line and should be reported.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth

Last edited by PeteBooth; Tue Dec 30, 2008 at 12:26pm.
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