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Old Wed Dec 24, 2008, 07:11pm
SethPDX SethPDX is offline
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Originally Posted by SRW View Post
That's the point. No one native to Puget Sound knows how to drive in the snow. They think the button on their dash labled "4x4" is a miracle button. I can't begin to tell you how many idiots with 4WD were in ditches the first 2 days of the storm. It's not as frequent now, but still every once in a while you see one.

I'm thankful that I grew up and learned to drive in the center part of the state where snow is a regular thing. Handling the truck is one thing, but knowing how to avoid the idiots is another.
Same thing down here. They also think chains or studded tires make you invincible, and every time it snows the networks send news crews to show you how crowded it is at the tire stores.

Originally Posted by bkbjones View Post
I also do basketball (hence the bkb). The basketball assignors use the same program as SMSUA. It has been odd to see the cancelled assignments in blue, which is what happens when we have games rained out. I am in Bellevue, just south of I-90 and just east of 150th for those of you who know how to run various map programs.

Depending on where you measure in the yard I have around a foot of snow. (I didn't leave it open ended like SRW with his eight inches. Of course I have convinced my wife that this: ------------- is six inches.)

Anyway, it is snowing silver-dollar sized flakes right now. Seattle refuses to use salt, even though they admitted last night they have some stowed away "for an emergency, but we don't consider this to be an emergency." That will be nice testimony when they start trying wrongful death suits because fire engines and ambulances can't get where they need to go (or get there very slowly).
Bellevue? The place with the huge mall and Cheesecake Factory? Yeah, I know where that is.

I think we're done with the snow for today. Some rain, which might be the freezing variety, later tonight. Maybe more snow or rain tomorrow. Portland and surrounding counties use gravel, but it didn't do much good until yesterday when there was no snow falling.
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