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Old Fri Oct 04, 2002, 05:27pm
Tim C Tim C is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,729

Quit your whinning and lisen for a second.

You got EXACTLY what you deserved. Read your original post.

You say you want to work playoffs and how can you get them to remember your name.

What we are telling you is "learn the craft and you will advance."

You are going to find a lot worse a$$hole$ then me when you start working ball that counts. You better be able to handle ME before you get chewed up by a good high School coach.

You have no idea the sublties that it takes to go from being a first year JV umpire to working varsity baseball. And it is even a longer leap to playoff quality umpiring.

What part of the FIVE pieces advice I gave you didn't you like . . . which ones weren't REAL advice from veteran.

I all ready know more about you as an umpire than you think by reading just these two posts.

You want to advance . . . Skip the first three paragraphs of my original post and READ the five clues I left you.

You can take umbrage at my style BUT the advice I gave is solid.

[Edited by Tim C on Oct 4th, 2002 at 07:53 PM]
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