You ask for tips:
1) Work the games you are assigned and worry about working them and NOT what people think. Do a good job EVERY time.
2) Pay for and attend a few clinics. Now, they don't have to be by MLB umpires but I think they should be better than "Eldon's Truck Driving, Brain Surgery and Umpirin' School".
3) Get a full varsity schedule and have your association evaluate you.
4) Do a diary of every game and grade yourself. AND BE TOUGH ON YOURSELF. See where you can improve (if that is possible).
5) Learn to be humble. This old game has ways to show young'ens who's really the boss.
And last, learn patience grasshopper! Your time will come when all of the vets are dead.
Edited since "after further reveiw" I should have let the original person's post speak for itself.
[Edited by Tim C on Oct 5th, 2002 at 11:15 AM]