I think the only time we are even allowed to talk to the home coach about it, is if there is no AD or such around. I had one game where there was no management around, and my partner kept insisting there was not a problem. The coach was this mousy little gal with no backbone and a couple ofthe fans were being just plain awful. They kept calling out to the opponent players, at crucial moments, "Miss it, cow" '"She's so fat she can't even run!" and so on. The problem about it was that they weren't missing the mark by much and the girls were clearly affected by it. It wouldn't have mattered at all but there were only like 9 fans in the gym. Seriously, I don't know if it was that many. So every word was clearly audible. In fact, I'm pretty sure I heard what some of the moms were planning for dinner. Slight exaggeration, but you get the picture. Anyway, at a time-out, I went over and said loud enough for everyone in the gym to hear me, "You guys, either be quiet or get out!!" I was quite shocked to find out that it worked!! Shocked because it was very early in my career, and I really wasn't sure what to expect. They left rather sheepishly! About five minutes later, the AD came back in and I explained what had ahppened. He found the boys still hanging around outside, and gave them "what for". Later I felt kind of sorry for the boys. What kind of men could they possibly grow up to be if their idea of a fun afternoon is harrassing struggling girls from a distance? Where were their mommas?!