Thread: Scheduling woes
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Old Wed Oct 02, 2002, 11:43am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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I'm going to disagree a little with Chuck.

"A better conference" is not a good reason, imho, to turn back games at the same level. If it's college vs. HS (or V vs. Frosh), that *might* be acceptable (I think it is; not every assigner agrees).

If you are going to do this (and again, I'd suggest it only for a increased level, not just for a different conference at the same level), you should ask the first assigner what he'd like you to do -- take the games or wait.

Another option (not welcomed by all assigners, so use with caution) -- turn in different "open dates" to each group -- every 10th day to the "lesser" group, for example. Then, once you get the schedules, go back with any remaining open dates to both groups. At least around here, it's pretty easy to fill up any open dates once the season starts and the assigners get turn-backs.
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