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Old Fri Sep 27, 2002, 10:28am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
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I am the Referee on my Football Crew.

Originally posted by Kelvin green
IF you have not seen it, there is a card produced by NF, and many states are having the coaches and the captains listen to it. In our state the head coach must come out to the pre-game. The cannot refuse, if they send an assistant out, guess who becomes the head coach for the game. Our state takes it serious. Some officials dont do it butif they were being observed they would get dinged pretty good.

Dont know if how much good it does but it certainly tells the coach before every game that we will not tolerate unsportsmanlike acts. They have been forewarned. If they act up there is no excuse.
We have were given this same card by our State Association. During the Football season, most of the Referees never use this card at all. We have never been told to use it. Actually many officials did not even understand what it was for. After 2 years of doing this in all of my 3 sports, I have my own speech or words that gets the point across. I do not need a card to read from to say the very same things. I personally think the speech is stupid (like Mick) and reading from a card would be even more stupid. I personally do not think in my state anyone cares if you read the card or not.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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