I suppose a call to the assignor would be in order except I have a couple of different horses in that race.
1) I didn't disclose it at the beginning because it really has no bearing in the play, but B1 was my darling daughter, who now thinks I'm just another cog in the
Evil Empire of the Loyal Order of Zebras. Unfortunately, many parents know who I am, so I have to keep my mouth shut. Nothing good would come from me even discussing the play with them.
2) Each conference has its own assignor. I have never worked for the
gentleman who assigns that conference. Its too political there for my taste. But with 18 schools in the conference, its a huge opportunity that I have chosen to bypass. I really have no desire to make waves there in the chance that once Julie graduate, i might wend up getting some assignments from him.
You know, people think its strange that I don't block out all the nights that my daughter plays to watch her, and this is why. I am constantly put in tough situations because the parents around me are constantly badgering me about preceived bad calls. Its so distracting that I don't enjoy it. I hear comments that hack me off. I see officials not hustling the way I would want an official to hustle for MY daughter dammit.
.. The coach has made the team DVD's available for me to view for the games I miss and I leave it to her Mom and older brother and sister to go watch. But I do feel conflicted at times.