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Old Wed Dec 03, 2008, 07:54am
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Originally Posted by amusedofficial View Post
Geez. After months of lurking I actually had to register on this one, to ask two questions.

1. What rule refers to "the cylinder that each person is entitled to" This sounds like ESPN-speak.

2. Similiarly, I am unable to find "the rule that says if the contact is not in the torso area of the defender the defender is at fault"
1. Not a rule, a concept. BITS quotes the basis from 4-23; a player does not have legal position if his foot is extended, his arm is extended, etc, no matter how long he's held it there. It's just like if B1 had been standing in the lane with his arms held out straight to the sides since February; if A1 comes in and tries to run by B1 only to catch an arm in the neck, it's a foul on B1 no matter how long he's held the pose.
2. Not a rule, but a rule of thumb; not applicable to a stationary defender who is standing in a legal position. Completely applicable (as a rule of thumb) to a moving defender with LGP; and definitely the rule if a the contact is with an extended limb.
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