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Old Wed Dec 03, 2008, 04:23am
amusedofficial amusedofficial is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 280
Geez. After months of lurking I actually had to register on this one, to ask two questions.

1. What rule refers to "the cylinder that each person is entitled to" This sounds like ESPN-speak.

2. Similiarly, I am unable to find "the rule that says if the contact is not in the torso area of the defender the defender is at fault"

Kind of eerie that a site that regularly posts "misunderstood rules" would see postings from people who should know better inventing rules that aren't in the book. But then perhaps the "torso rule" and the "cylinder rule" are on the same page as "reach" and "over the back" fouls, and I haven't gotten to that page yet.
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