Thread: Pregame Dunk
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Old Tue Dec 02, 2008, 10:18am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Ohio, cincinnati
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Originally Posted by Chess Ref View Post
Partner then went into the whole spiel about not starting the game off that way, blah,blah, blah. We discussed it and he basically wasn't going to give the T's. We left it at that.
Did you set aside any other rules that night?
Traveling - Illegal dribble -let the coaches wander onto the floor and talk to players while there was a live ball - Possibly even goaltending or basket interference?

Did you think about losing a game or getting fined for not making the call, One thing an assignor or observer can defend is a 50 - 50 call or something that is judgment, what can NEVER EVER happen is blowing a rule -
Your partner Kicked or set asside a rule and that will always get you in trouble.
That is how you lose games like this, what if someone happened to send the assignor the game tape or even worse the assignor was there?
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