Originally Posted by FredFan7
NFHS Rules
4th and 10 for K at it's own 20 yard line.
K in scrimmage kick formation. Punter, K11, receives the snap, runs to his right and punts the ball at
a) the K 19 yard line
b) the K 23 yard line
In both situations R commits a roughing the kicker penalty.
The punt is downed at the R 30 yard line.
Does roughing the kicker apply?
Who gets the ball and where?
(a1) Depends: if the R player had time to pull up, then RTK applies to a legal kick. 15 yards from the previous spot, automatic 1st down for K/A, their ball at the A35.
(a2) R gets some leniency when K is running the ball. If the R player did not have a reasonable opportunity to pull up, and the contact was not otherwise illegal, play on. R's ball 1st and 10 at the R30.
(b) This is an illegal kick, so no RTK is possible. If the contact was not otherwise illegal, play on. If R declines the illegal kick penalty, R's ball 1st and 10 at the R30. If R accepts the illegal kick penalty, it'll be K's ball, 4th and 20 at the K10 (penalty is half the distance).
A PF for unnecessary roughness would have PSK enforcement in (a2), in which case it would be 1/10 for R at their 15, or in (b) it would offset the illegal kick penalty, replay the down. Alternatively R could decline the IK, keep the ball, and have PSK enforcement of the PF.