Thread: Tights
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Old Fri Nov 28, 2008, 11:50pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Inquiring minds want to know ???

Originally Posted by derwil View Post
Just had a game where a team not from our normal area has a Big 10 D1 commit who wears full length leg tights to keep his legs warm under his shorts. We noticed it during warm ups and notified the coach, who then produced a medical excuse. We let him play with them but researched it afterwards: Rule 3-5-6 NFHS says that compression shorts/tights must be the same solid color as the predominant color of the pants and the length must be above the knee. Further, his team was home so the tights should have been white - but were actually black. The white tights would have stood out more and made a larger spectacle.
No signed medical note is needed according to NFHS 3-5-6, but the tights worn by the player in question must be white, to match the predominate color of the shorts, and must not extend below the knee.

However, your question about the medical note "trumping" NFHS 3-5-6 is a good one. Does the signed note allow any length, or any color? Or does the signed note just allow a longer length, but the color part of the rule still applies? Are these decisions that should be made by game offcials at the site, or should they be handled by the state association?

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Last edited by BillyMac; Fri Nov 28, 2008 at 11:54pm.
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