Originally Posted by mdntranger
But, for there to be interference, there has to be a play. If the ball is foul (by definition), there is no play and therefore no intereference...
My comment was specific to the BR or not aspect. There is a play when a fielder fields a batted ball while foul to
prevent it from going fair, thereby eliminating any advance by BR or R.
Originally Posted by MNBlue
The definition of a batter-runner has not been met in the OP, so we can't rule interference by a batter-runner, since we don't have a batter-runner.
My INT call is based on the premise ""
We have concluded in at least two other topics that the B to BR transition happens even though the batted ball does not end up being a fair batted ball; because it is not foul until the foul ball criteria apply and because it must be for the application of rules to make sense".