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Old Sun Sep 22, 2002, 05:21pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by spots101

I'm not sure I'm clear on a protection swing. Do you mean call the strike no matter where the ball is in the zone as a penalty for the action?
Well, I always call a strike no matter where the ball is *in the zone*.

What the batter typically does is move the bat up and down and then pull it back not ever wanting to actually bunt the ball. The motion is an attempt (my assumption) to get the corners to move in. I have yet to see a batter do this and actually bunt. This typically is not during a steal attempt although it could go along with it.
I usually see this on a 3-0 pitch -- try to "force" the pitcher to miss the zone.

Ignore it or tell the batter (quietly) not to do it. If it happens at older levels, the batter just might be successful in distracting the pitcher -- the distrated pitcher just might hit the batter.
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